AESENNEWS.COM, Peringatan Tahunan Deklarasi Perdamaian dan Penghentian Perang ke-7 dari HWPL, sebuah acara untuk mendefinisikan kembali jawaban atas era perdamaian, berlangsung pada 14 Maret, pukul 14:00 (KST) di The K Hotel Seoul di Korea Selatan.
Acara ini diselenggarakan bersama oleh Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL, Ketua Man Hee Lee), International Women's Peace Group (IWPG, Ketua Hyun Sook Yoon), dan International Peace Youth Group (IPYG), mengundang orang-orang di seluruh dunia untuk membahas cara melembagakan perdamaian dengan tema “Perdamaian Institusional: Memperkuat Komunikasi untuk Membangun Kepercayaan.”
Dalam pidatonya, Ketua Hyun Sook Yoon mengatakan, “IWPG telah bekerja dengan para perempuan selama 10 tahun terakhir untuk mencapai penghentian perang dan realisasi perdamaian dunia. Semua ini bisa terjadi karena kita punya DPCW, jawaban yang pasti dan jelas untuk mewujudkan perdamaian.”
Beliau juga menambahkan bahwa beliau mengunjungi New York baru-baru ini untuk berpartisipasi dalam Komisi Status Perempuan (Commission on the Status of Women/ CSW) ke-67 yang diselenggarakan oleh markas besar PBB dan mengatakan bahwa, “Ada hasil yang sangat istimewa. Acara sampingan diadakan bersama dengan dua negara Afrika. Pendidikan perdamaian IWPG diperkenalkan dan DPCW, yang menjadi dasar pendidikan perdamaian, dibicarakan dan dipromosikan secara aktif. Selain itu, peserta dari negara-negara yang sedang berperang meminta kerja sama dengan IWPG dan mendukung DPCW, mengatakan bahwa mereka ingin berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan perdamaian.”
Ketua Yoon melanjutkan untuk mendesak komunitas internasional untuk “menciptakan dunia yang dipersatukan oleh kebebasan, kesetaraan, cinta, dan perdamaian, daripada dunia yang mengerang karena perang, konflik, diskriminasi, dan kekerasan” dan “untuk semua menjadi pembawa pesan perdamaian dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk melegalkan DPCW.”
Sejak proklamasi DPCW pada 14 Maret 2016, HWPL telah bekerja untuk membuat undang-undang perdamaian guna mencegah, menengahi, dan menyelesaikan perang dan konflik di seluruh dunia.
※Lampiran :1 Foto Acara
1. Ketua IWPG Hyun Sook Yoon memberikan pidato di Peringatan Tahunan Deklarasi Perdamaian dan Penghentian Perang ke-7 dari HWPL yang diadakan pada 14 Maret pukul 14:00 (KST) di The K Hotel Seoul.
Press Release
IWPG “The DPCW is the sure and clear answer to IWPG’s peace activities in the past decade.”
- HWPL’s 7th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
- “At this year’s UN CSW, I actively promoted the DPCW.”
HWPL’s 7th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, an event to redefine the answer to an era of peace, took place on Mar 14, 2:00 PM (KST) at The K Hotel Seoul in South Korea.
This event co-organized by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL, Chairman Man Hee Lee), the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG, Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon), and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG), invited people all around the world to discuss ways to institutionalize peace under the theme of “Institutional Peace: Strengthening Communication to Build Trust.”
In her speech, Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon said, “IWPG has been working with women for the past 10 years to achieve cessation of war and realization of world peace. All of this was possible because we had the DPCW, the sure and clear answer to realizing peace.”
She also added that she visited New York recently to participate in the 67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) hosted by the UN headquarters and that “There were very special results. A side event was held jointly with two African countries. IWPG's peace education was introduced and the DPCW, which is what the peace education is based upon, was spoken of, and actively promoted. In addition, participants from countries where there is ongoing war requested cooperation with IWPG and supported the DPCW, saying that they would like to participate in peace activities.”
Chairwoman Yoon went on to urge the international community to “create a world united by freedom, equality, love, and peace, rather than a world groaning from war, conflict, discrimination, and violence” and “to all become messengers of peace and do our utmost to legalize the DPCW.”
Ever since the proclamation of the DPCW on March 14, 2016, HWPL has been working to legislate peace in order to prevent, mediate, and resolve war and conflicts around the world.
※Attachment : 1 Event Photos
1. IWPG Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon is giving a speech at HWPL’s 7th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War held on March 14 2:00PM(KST) at The K Hotel Seoul.